Find Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools in Texas

Becoming a diagnostic medical sonographer will give you the opportunity to work, and grow, in one of the fastest growing medical fields. You will have the opportunity to learn new cutting edge technology, develop innovative new methods to work with patients, and continue your education within your desired field to maintain providing exceptional medical care to your patients.

Contact the schools below to learn more about becoming an ultrasound tech in Texas.

Ultrasound technician programs in Texas are spread throughout the state, in a variety of school settings. Community and technical colleges, universities and private training institutes all offer programs in the ultrasound technology field. All levels of certificates and diplomas are attainable at ultrasound tech schools in Texas, with programs including associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree levels.

Imaging technicians in all specialties work closely with the treatment team in diagnosing patients using imaging computers and equipment. Imaging technicians are trained to read the images of a patient and infer the condition present, and to relay this information to the treatment team so that appropriate actions are taken in the patient’s care. You will also work very closely with patients as an ultrasound technician, administering ultrasound procedures and imaging scans.

There are several ultrasound technician schools in Texas that offer programs, allowing you to choose a program suited to your individual needs. All you need to do is contact the schools above by clicking on the links. There you will submit a request for information, and you will soon have more information about how to enter this growing medical career.

Ultrasound/Sonography Degrees in Texas

Certificate programs and associate degrees offer the shortest path to employment, while leaving the door open to opportunities to further your education and advance in the field. Obtaining a Bachelor’s degree will give you more leadership opportunities with the possibility of a higher pay range, while a Master’s degree may provide you with even more advanced opportunities in the field, such as a management role.

The most common degree is an associate degree as this is the highest level of education required to qualify to apply for your license through the American Registry of Radiological Tehcnologists (AART). Regardless of which Texas ultrasound technician program you choose, you will learn how to obtain and read images, how to identify common diagnostic results, how to interact with a patient, and how to work with the treatment team effectively and cohesively — the core elements in Texas ultrasound technician programs.

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Arkansas / Louisiana / New Mexico / Oklahoma

Is Sonography a Good Career in Texas?

Texas employs the highest number of diagnostic medical sonography technicians in the United States, with the field projected to increase nationally by 17 percent by 2026. This is great news for prospective students, as employment opportunities will likely continue to open as the field continues to grow, creating a demand for well-trained ultrasound technicians in the state. This may also increase benefits and pay for these positions, as employers seek the best in the field as employees.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average mean salary for this position in Texas is $55,360. Keep in mind these pay rates may change depending on level of education, experience, and employment setting.

Hours may vary depending on employment setting with opportunities for possible increase rates for overnights, on call, weekends and holidays if included in position requirements. With the amount of opportunity that Texas has for technicians in this field, you may be able to find a great new career by attending on of the ultrasound schools in Texas. Take a look at the information below to begin your journey to becoming an ultrasound technician in the state of Texas.

Texas Ultrasound Schools