Find Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools in South Dakota

Located in the Midwest, South Dakota is sparsely populated and mostly rural but boasts many educational opportunities in the medical field. While most higher education institutions are located in the more populous parts of the state, Rapid City in the western part of the state and near Sioux Falls in the south eastern part of the state, other medical programs can be found as well. You can also look into online ultrasound degrees in South Dakota. Contact those schools you see below that interest you to learn more.

The most familiar task of an ultrasound technician is to obtain images of babies in utero. Good communication and documentation skills are necessary because you will be responsible for keeping patient records, documenting procedure results and effectively relaying information to the treatment team, patient and families.

Contact the schools below to learn more about becoming an ultrasound tech in South Dakota.

South Dakota universities and colleges offer both online and on-campus training programs for future ultrasound technicians, as well as part time and full time course options. Students in South Dakota ultrasound technician programs will receive a lot of one-on-one instruction due to small class sizes.

Ultrasound technology is a specialized program offered at many of these schools throughout the state. Ultrasound technicians, also known as sonography technicians, are trained to operate equipment to scan patients and produce images to help doctors in diagnosing and treating patients. Not only will you learn to administer the scans, but also how to read the images and interpret the data to the treatment team.

While most schools do not offer a specific ultrasound technician program, many offer radiology programs in which you train in ultrasound technology and can later specialize in that area with certification. In your radiology program you will have core subjects such as anatomy, physiology, medical psychology, records management, medical ethics and imaging technology. You will then take specialized courses in sonography, learning how to operate the equipment you will be using.

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After you obtain your degree in ultrasound technology, you will be able to take credentialing exams through ARRT or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in the field of ultrasound to certify your skills as an ultrasound technician.

After you obtain a position as an ultrasound technician, you will be able to continue your education if desired, as well as have access to continued education courses to maintain and enhance your knowledge as an ultrasound technician. Check out the schools on our site to find a radiology program near you to begin your training as an ultrasound tech in SD.

Ultrasound Programs in Nearby States

Iowa / Minnesota / Montana / Nebraska / North Dakota
/ Wyoming

Ultrasound Tech Salary in SD

Due to the small population of the state, South Dakota has a concentrated area of ultrasound technician employment. Radiologic technicians/technologists compete for about 280 jobs throughout the state (, which is slightly lower than the national outlook of projected employment.

Data from Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015.
Of course, these rates can always change depending on your employment location, setting, specialty, certifications and education.

Take some time to request information from the schools you see here to learn more.

South Dakota Ultrasound Schools