Find Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools in South Carolina

Are you interested in a career as an ultrasound technician, but don’t know where to start? You’ve found the right resource here, as we aim to provide you with the answers you need to get your career started. You can request information about South Carolina ultrasound tech programs directly from our site to get started.

Ultrasound technicians, also known as diagnostic medical sonographers or imaging technicians, are an integral part in diagnosing patients and identifying illness or injuries only this technology may be able to detect. In your ultrasound tech program in South Carolina, you will learn innovative methods of working with patients, stay up to date on the latest technology in the field and expand your education to provide the best care possible.

Request information from each South Carolina ultrasound technician program, so that you may find the one that can best fit your individual needs.

Depending on your current education level, you will have the choice between ultrasound technician schools in South Carolina that offer certificate programs, associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s programs. Each level of education will provide a different level of concentration and expertise in ultrasound technician education, but each provides you with the education and credentials to begin your career.

Ultrasound technicians receive specialized training to administer imaging technology and read images that are often used in diagnosing a patient. You will need to possess good communication skills to ensure information is effectively and accurately relayed to the appropriate treatment team members. You will also need to ensure patient records accurately reflect your procedure and you must be able to effectively communicate while working with patients and providers alike.

Choosing a shorter program may work better for you to obtain employment quickly, whereas a longer program may give you opportunities to specialize in certain ultrasound areas. Because there are different specialties and titles in the ultrasound field, you may find that once you enter the field, you would like to specialize in MRIs or sonography.

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No matter which school you decide to attend, a typical program will include courses in math, science, medical terminology, and anatomy, as well as hands-on training in a clinical setting. Each specialty will have courses that branch off into specialized information, but the core classes will be similar no matter which specialty you choose. Some South Carolina ultrasound technician schools offer part time, full time, online and in class courses, allowing you to tailor your education to your individual needs.

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Georgia / North Carolina / Tennessee

How Much Do Sonographers Make in SC?

Across the nation ultrasound technician positions are opening, creating a demand for more professionals in the field. In South Carolina, the average salary for a diagnostic medical sonographer is $65,330 per year (O*Net, 2018). Statewide, job openings for ultrasound technicians may increase 26% between 2016 and 2026 (O*Net, 2018).

Your place of employment may also affect your hours, with some settings requiring overtime, overnights, holidays, weekends or on-call schedules, all of which can also increase your hourly rate. Becoming an ultrasound technician can open a wide range of possibilities in your career and allow for movement into specialty fields and different employment settings. You can specialize in different areas like mammography, neonatal, cardiac, and others, depending upon your interests. Find an ultrasound school in South Carolina and start your education to begin your career in ultrasound today.

South Carolina Ultrasound Schools