Find Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools in Nevada

As an aspiring ultrasound technician, you can find a rewarding career in medical facilities throughout Nevada. Even though few hospitals need a large staff, you can find various career opportunities by earning a degree or certificate in ultrasound technology. If you are contemplating a career change in the medical field, then you may be able to enter into a certificate program through a hospital or accredited college. Certificate programs generally take a year to finish. If you are in high school or contemplating entering the medical field, then you will need to enter into a degree program that is accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health. Finding an accredited program will ensure you are fully prepared for certification in a specialized field of sonography.

Contact Nevada schools with ultrasound tech programs below to learn more.

Depending on the program you enroll in, you may have to complete certain coursework before graduation, including ultrasound principles, anatomy, and medical terminology. Classroom instruction and a clinical component will ensure you have a thorough understanding of sonography techniques and tools. Associate’s degrees typically take around two years, and bachelor’s degrees generally take about four years.

Those wishing to pursue training in general ultrasound technology or specialize in cardiac and vascular ultrasound will find a few different options in Nevada. You have the option of obtaining your associates degree or a bachelors degree from the schools in Nevada. If you prefer to take your classes online, there are multiple schools that offer ultrasound and radiology classes online as well. Although all the schools in Nevada are different, the programs will have a few similarities in the basic information that is taught. A few areas that you will cover in medical sonography classes are: human anatomy, physiology, patient care, ultrasound physics, pathophysiology, and patient care. You will have clinical training as well where you will work in real life settings and be hands on with computers and equipment that you will work with after graduation.

Nevada’s law does not require a license to work in the state, but you can increase your marketability by ascertaining a specialization certificate in sonography. Available certifications include:

  • Musculoskeletal sonography
  • Abdominal sonography
  • Breast sonography
  • Neurosonography
  • Fetal echocardiography

You can earn your certificate by passing a test that is issued by The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, which is one of the top organizations in the country. By attending a CAAHEP-accredited college, you are already eligible to take the ARDMS exam, but a non-accredited degree requires the completion of additional prerequisites, such as work experience and an internship. You may also earn a sonography license by taking the corresponding test issued by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Taking 24 more continuing education credits every two years is essential to renewing your certificate and remaining up to date with ultrasound technology techniques.

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Is Ultrasound Tech a Good Career in NV?

With 620 ultrasound technicians currently working in Nevada, finding a job as a certified diagnostic medical sonographer may be your goal (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). The Nevada Hospital Association offers various resources to help you find employment at hospitals and other medical facilities across the state. According to a recent report released by Bureau of Labor Statistics, this sector is expecting a 17% growth through 2026, potentially opening up a variety of jobs in various facilities throughout Nevada. These facilities include hospitals, government agencies, doctors’ offices, and medical labs.

Salaries in Nevada vary between specialties and work settings. Currently, the average salary for a diagnostic medical sonographer in Nevada is $74,410 per year (O*Net, 2018).

Increase your employment marketability as a diagnostic medical sonographer by earning your degree in ultrasound technology at one of Nevada’s accredited colleges today. Take a look at the schools in Nevada and find the education needed for your new career today.

Nevada Ultrasound Schools