Find Sonographer Training Programs in Missouri

Missouri strives to provide quality health care to its entire population, which can be challenging since there are large rural regions across the entire state. An important part of providing quality health care is having qualified diagnostic medical sonographers who can are capable of working in various settings. To succeed as an ultrasound technician in Missouri, you will need to earn a degree in ultrasound technology or a relevant field. Ultrasound technician programs can take anywhere from two to four years, depending on whether you wish to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree. A few colleges even offer master’s degree programs for vascular sonography and general sonography.

Contact the schools below to learn more about becoming an ultrasound tech in Missouri.

Before signing up for a college program, you want to ensure the program has received accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health, which can make earning your certification an easier process. Both online and on-site degree programs require you to complete certain coursework before you can graduate, including ultrasound physics, anatomy, and medical terminology. Classroom instruction combined with clinical training can prepare you for fast-paced and high-stress environments.

You can further your career aspirations by earning additional certificates in a specialized field, such as cardiac sonography, general sonography, and vascular sonography. You can pursue these credentials by taking the qualifying exam that is offered by The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. By registering with the ARDMS, you demonstrate to potential employers that you have mastered sonography principles and skills.

If your degree is non-accredited, then the ARDMS requires you to fulfill other conditions before you are eligible for a certification credential. Requirements include an internship, at least 60 hours of formal education, and a minimum of 12 months of work experience. For license renewal, the ARDMS requires you to continue your sonography training by taking 24 credits every two years, ensuring you are up to date with all current ultrasound techniques and equipment. You can apply for additional sonography credentials through The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or Cardiovascular Credentialing International to help you obtain a higher paying position at a medical facility in Missouri.

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Ultrasound Tech Salary in MO

The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that there are approximately 1330 diagnostic medical sonographers working in Missouri (BLS, 2018). The BLS anticipates a 17% increase in job openings between 2016 and 2026 (2018).Because of this faster-than-average growth, Missouri could see a significant increase in job openings throughout imaging centers, hospitals, and other medical centers.

Statewide, the outlook is positive for those in this field. The average salary for a Missouri diagnostic medical sonographer is $69,210 per year (O*Net, 2018). Statewide, job openings may see an 18% boost between 2016 and 2026 (O*Net, 2018).

Keep in mind these pay rates may change depending on experience, as well as your employment setting. Since most positions are at hospitals, be prepared to work full-time hours. Depending on your educational background, you may also seek employment at a doctor’s office, government agency, medical lab, or outpatient care center.

Make sure you are fully prepared to succeed in any medical setting by entering one of Missouri’s accredited ultrasound technician programs today.

Missouri Ultrasound Schools