Find Sonographer Training Programs in Massachusetts
With health and wellness becoming major factors for people throughout the nation, medical facilities in Massachusetts are looking to hire additional diagnostic medical sonographers to assist with image capturing and patient diagnosis. If you are contemplating a career as an ultrasound technician, colleges in Massachusetts offer various program options that can help you prepare for a position at a medical facility. Earning a degree that is certified through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health will help prepare you for certification once you have graduated.
To find the ultrasound tech programs in Massachusetts that can help you achieve your career goals, select the schools on this page that interest you and contact them for more information.
Before enrolling in an accredited ultrasound technician program, you may need to fulfill certain requirements, including taking medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology. You can choose to enter into a non-degree program, which will take about a year to complete, or enroll in an associate or bachelor’s degree program. Degree programs require you to take both classroom instruction and six months of clinical training. Topics may cover vascular ultrasound, pathophysiology, and ultrasound physics. By earning a degree, you can position yourself for more career advancement opportunities in the future.
Ultrasound/Sonography Licensing in Massachusetts
Like most states, Massachusetts does not require you to obtain an ultrasound technician license in order to work in the state, but many employers prefer certification to ensure a thorough understanding of medical techniques and equipment. You can even choose to specialize in a certain field of diagnostic medical sonography, including obstetrics and gynecology, breast sonography, abdominal sonography, cardiovascular sonography, and neurosonography.
The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography offers a certificate for completing an exam that covers topics like patient care, sonography principles, and your specialization. If you have earned a non-accredited degree, then you will also need to provide proof that you have completed 60 semester hours, 12 months of employment, and an internship.
If you wish to specialize in vascular sonography or breast sonography, you can earn a certificate through The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, requiring you to have a thorough knowledge of patient care, ultrasound physical principles, and sonography procedures. Once you have completed two years of work as a non-invasive cardiovascular technician, you can earn your license through Cardiovascular Credentialing International. After certification, you will need to take 24 continuing education credits every two years to renew your license.
Ultrasound Programs in Nearby States
Connecticut / New Hampshire / New York / Rhode Island / Vermont
Ultrasound Tech Salary in MA
According to 2017 data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 1,990 ultrasound technicians worked in the state of Massachusetts in 2016. Because this sector is predicting an 18 percent increase by 2026, an additional 150 jobs may become available each year. With the faster-than-average growth in the diagnostic medical sonography industry, your chances of finding employment and career advancement opportunities increase.
Data found at O*Net from 2017 shows that the median annual income can range up to $84,240. Keep in mind these pay rates may change depending on level of education, certifications, experience, as well as setting of employment such as a hospital, private clinic or specialty clinic.
By earning your degree and becoming certified in diagnostic medical sonography, employment opportunities can open up at hospitals, doctors’ offices, medical facilities, laboratories, outpatient care centers, and government agencies. You need to be prepared to perform heavy lifting, function in dimly lit areas, and work long hours on your feet. Most facilities require you to work full-time hours, weekends, evenings, and overtime. Start your new career as a certified ultrasound technician by enrolling in one of Massachusetts’ accredited diagnostic medical sonography programs today.