Find Sonographer Training Programs in Maryland

With medical centers across Maryland reaching out to both insured and uninsured patients, numerous outpatient clinics will need the assistance of professional diagnostic medical sonographers. If you are contemplating a career in this field, then earning the right degree and certification is vital to finding employment in Maryland. Request information from all of the schools listed below to gather program details to help guide your decision making.

For non-invasive imaging professions, you can complete a degree or non-degree program. Non-degree programs take a year to complete by attending a school that is accredited through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health. You can also choose to attain your associate or bachelor’s degree in ultrasound technology, which may increase your chances of career advancement and a higher pay grade.

Request information from the schools below to get started.

Before you can enroll in any program, you may need to complete certain prerequisites, such as passing courses in physiology, medical terminology, and anatomy. Once you have entered an ultrasound technology program, you will need both classroom instruction and clinical training to earn your degree. Classroom instruction may entail learning subjects like ultrasound physics, pathophysiology, and vascular ultrasound. Clinical training requires six months of hands-on experience with imaging equipment.

Ultrasound/Sonography Licensing in Maryland

Even though the state of Maryland does not require you to ascertain a license to work legally as an ultrasound technician, most employers prefer hiring those who have earned a certificate. Upon earning your degree, you can specialize in a certain sector of the medical field, with career choices including neurosonography, abdominal sonography, breast sonography, cardiovascular sonography, and obstetrics and gynecology. You can take the certification exam through a governing body, such as The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The ARDMS requires you to be proficient in general sonography principles, patient care, and your specialization. With a non-accredited degree, you will also need to complete an internship, 60 semester hours, and 12 months of work experience in order to qualify for certification.

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You may also choose to earn your sonography certificate through The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, which specializes in vascular sonography and breast sonography. For this license, you will need to have a thorough understanding of ultrasound physical principles, sonography procedures, and patient care. Cardiovascular Credentialing International provides you with a certificate once you have completed two years of employment as a non-invasive cardiovascular technician. Once you have earned your license, you will need to renew it every two years by taking 24 continuing education credits through an approved program.

Ultrasound Programs in Nearby States

Delaware / Pennsylvania> /Virginia

How Much Do Sonographers Make in MD?

With 1,100 diagnostic medical sonographers currently employed in the state of Maryland (2015), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting a 39 percent increase in employment across the United States, which is much faster than the national employment average. This increase in employment could potentially bring an additional 421 jobs to Maryland, providing you with the opportunity to find employment at a medical facility..

Data found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2015. Keep in mind these pay rates may change depending on level of education, certifications, experience, as well as setting of employment such as a hospital, private clinic or specialty clinic.

With the proper education, work experience, and employer, you can earn a higher wage at a hospital, outpatient care center, or physician’s office. In order to work as an ultrasound tech, you should be able to function in a fast-paced environment, be strong enough to lift disabled patients, and be able to work in dimly lit settings. You may need to work full-time hours, overnight, weekends, and evenings. Make sure your new career as a diagnostic medical sonographer is successful by enrolling in a CAAHEP-accredited college today. The best way to start your search for schools is to request information about programs in your area.

Maryland Ultrasound Schools