Vascular Technician Programs in Tennessee

Finding the information you need to become a vascular tech in Tennessee can be challenging with limited information online. Fortunately, we have all the resources you need to learn more and even get started in a program today here at

Receiving Your Vascular Technician Training In Tennessee

In most cases, a vascular technician program in Tennessee is 72 hours. Some may be longer or shorter depending on how much information they include or what degree is earned. Some schools offer a certificate program, which is obtained mostly via the Internet. Other schools offer partial online classes along with campus-based labs. There are associate’s degree programs and bachelor’s degree programs. Lab work for these programs may also be completed in a medical training facility. Vascular technician training includes a wide variety of subjects.

Some of the core subjects of every program include anatomy, physiology, medical instrumentation, principles of medicine, invasive diagnostic procedures and non-invasive diagnostic procedures. Students in degree programs will also take supporting math, English and other types of classes to sharpen their skills. Also, there are more applied classes in those programs. Overall, students learn all the crucial aspects of preparing, monitoring and assisting with serious testing procedures for patients during a vascular medical sonography program.

Vascular Technician Licensing In Tennessee

In Tennessee, there is no current requirement for an actual vascular technician license. However, many employers require their vascular techs to gain certification as ultrasound technicians. To do this, they must first complete approved sonography programs. There are several sonography schools in the state, and some schools offering training also offer vascular technician training. The depth of information depends on the school and the degree or certificate program chosen. There are several types of sonography licenses available from ADRMS. To maintain this nationwide certification, a tech must pay an annual fee and complete 30 hours of continuing education credits every three years.

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Career Outlook For Vascular Technicians In Tennessee

Although vascular technicians in Tennessee do not earn as much as techs in some other parts of the country, the salary range is reasonable in comparison with the cost of living. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, vascular techs in Tennessee earned between $24,900 and $47,700 in 2012. They predict that the need for more vascular technicians and sonographers will increase in the next several years.

Experts at the BLS predict a nationwide growth rate of nearly 30 percent for these jobs within the next decade. This is much higher than most fields, and the expected growth is due in part to an ever-increasing population as well as an ever-increasing aging population, which is due to the average lifespan being longer today. This is great news for people who are interested in becoming vascular technicians. The key to getting started in an exciting career is finding the right program for individual needs.