Vascular Technologist Schools and Career Information
Welcome to the most complete directory on the Web of Vascular Technician programs. It contains all the nationally accredited programs, from 176 schools across the country. You can scroll down to see the school listings.
We have researched and gathered all of the information you need about schools, programs, and career information. This gives you a head start on your own research! We work closely with vascular technologist schools so you can get fast information on their programs.
Vascular Technology
A vascular technologist is very similar to a cardiac sonographer and an EKG technician, though the job title is a bit different. A vascular tech works closely with a physician in the diagnosis and treatment of the patients. A vascular technician will perform noninvasive procedures as well as obtaining vascular information for the physician.
How to Choose A Vascular Sonography Technologist School
As a vascular technologist, you will work with doctors, medical assistants, and other types of healthcare workers to monitor the health of patients’ arteries and veins, as well as blood flow and function of their internal organs. Using ultrasound technology is non-invasive and typically painless. However, working with patients is a big part of your role.
When you are reviewing vascular technician certification programs, look for courses that will help you in areas of patient care, such as taking medical histories, prepping for procedures, and ways you can help people relax in your care.
You also want to choose a program that is taught by experienced professionals. This will help you develop interpersonal communication skills that are crucial to this role. Not only is this true for working with patients, but when working with peers and physicians as well. They will rely on you to write down patient information and tests analysis accurately and thoroughly. If you want to know how to become a vascular technician, continue reading. Then, use our search tools to view your options for training. Catheterization lab techs are another role that works with cardiovascular procedures. You might want to look into cath lab tech training while you search for vascular sonography programs too.
Certification standards are critical when choosing vascular tech programs
The most critical part of picking a vascular technician program is making sure you can qualify for certification once you finish. The Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) certificate is administered through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). You can take a look at their prerequisites that are outlined on this document. Make this the first topic of conversation you discuss with each school you contact.
Curriculum for Top Vascular Technologist Programs
The scope of your curriculum will depend on the type of vascular technology program you pursue. Looking at a bachelor’s curriculum, you can see the entire spectrum of knowledge and clinical skills that an education can offer to prep you for real work in this field. Your freshman and sophomore year will start with core courses in human anatomy, terminology, introduction to medical imaging, and writing classes that relate to medical work.
Once you enter your junior year, you really hone in on your vascular sonography skills. Your courses will likely include advanced cardiovascular physiology, radiographic vascular anatomy, patient management, and other high-level subjects. Your junior and senior year will be more focused on vascular sonography, with the inclusion of externships, which could take up your entire senior year curriculum.
Additional things to think about in vascular sonography programs
In addition to certification prep and corresponding curriculum, make sure the school you choose has the right mix of financial aid options and career services for you. Usually, students need a mix of federal and private loans to manage school expenses while they train.
A Day in the Life of a Vascular Tech
In your job as a vascular technician, you will daily use ultrasound equipment to monitor patients’ blood vessels, arteries and veins. You will assist physicians, surgeons and other medical professionals in making sure blockages don’t turn deadly. Your job may include checking blood pressure and oxygen levels in areas of the vascular system.
This job will require you to stand for a large portion of your day, which is great for people who don’t want to spend their work days sitting down. There may be times when you have to assist your patients by physically moving them for a procedure. If you think your physical fitness might prevent you from doing this job, just talk with school advisors to be sure.
You should also be the kind of person who pays attention to detail and has a true desire to help others. Working directly with patients is a big part of this job experience, so make sure patient care is a topic that is thoroughly addressed in any program you choose.
Hopefully, your clinical experience will prepare you for the daily tasks of a vascular sonography job. When you analyze your options for training, you will obviously ask about potential salary and job outlook. To give you an idea of the national average, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that vascular technologists earned a mean wage of $57,250 (2017). Professionals who worked in outpatient care centers earned the most, with an average wage of $66,540.
Where you live will also determine how much money you can earn, and the kinds of jobs available to you. Here are the states in order of level of employment with the highest levels of employment — along with their wages:
- Texas – $50,360
- Florida – $49,240
- California – $71,250
- New York – $60,670
- Pennsylvania – $56,970
Just from looking at the data, you can see that the number of available jobs in a state does not always mean a higher salary. And, you can see what a significant difference the salary range can look like from state-to-state. But, take this with a grain of salt as the cost of living in many areas of California may be significantly higher than Pennsylvania, for example.
Vascular technicians and technologists usually work a full 40-hour week as well as overtime and on-call hours. Vascular technologists who assist with cardiac catheterization and other invasive medical procedures tend to work longer hours as well as nights and weekends. You will usually work in a hospital setting as it is not as likely to find a vascular technician in a private physician’s office.
Since there are different types of sonographers, including vascular techs, ask each school you speak with about the most needed positions. You might decide to earn more than one certification in this field, which could open up even more doors of opportunity. If you are ready to learn how to become a vascular technologist as quickly as possible, just choose your state or preferred specialty in the search boxes to get started. And don’t forget to compare your vascular sonography school options, with cath lab technician school programs, or other types of training related to sonography!
More About Vascular Tech Education and Certification
If becoming a vascular technologist is what you are searching for, then your best bet is to obtain a American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography) you must have completed at least an associate’s degree to obtain your credentials.
Most programs will include similar information. Vascular sonography schools will most likely include in their curriculum’s the following classes:
- Invasive and noninvasive cardiovascular technology
- Invasive and noninvasive vascular technology
- Human anatomy and Physiology
- Basic electrocardiology and Electrocardiography
- Pathology
- Hemodynamics
- Pharmacology
- Ultrasound physics
- Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Vaital signs and IV administration
Whatever school and degree you decide to go with, you will probably have to complete a clinical or externship before your training is finished. This will put you in a hospital setting and give you the hands on, real world training you can’t receive while sitting in a classroom. Some colleges require students to maintain a certain grade point average in order to remain in the program.
States vary with regard to their licensing and credentialing requirements, but most employers want technicians who are credentialed through Cardiovascular Credentialing International or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
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