Utah Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Utah

Having a career as sonogram technician can be financially rewarding and fulfilling. Like all careers in a medical setting, proper training is essential. For aspiring sonogram technicians, a secondary education or GED program that focuses on core math, science, and communication skills is required. Upon obtaining a GED or high school diploma, it will be necessary to enroll in a post secondary education program in sonogram technology that is approved by the state. Sonogram technician courses generally further your’ understanding of math and scientific principles as well as ethics and other standards that must be observed in the workplace.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Utah

Utah does not currently require certification for sonography technicians. However, obtaining certification through a national organization can make you much more attractive to potential employers. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists offers certification to sonography technicians through the administration of an exam. To qualify to take the exam, you must present proof of graduation from a sonography education program at an approved institution. In 2014, the ARRT will require candidates to have earned an academic degree that is accredited by an agency recognized by CHEA and/or USDE.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Utah

The average salary for sonogram technicians in Utah is favorable at approximately $70,910 each year. Industries that report the highest concentration of sonogram technician employees are medical and diagnostic labs, medical and surgical hospitals, outpatient care centers, physicians’ offices, and specialty hospitals. With opportunities to work in various medical settings, a relatively short road to earning a degree, and an extremely high estimated rate of growth, sonogram technology can be a promising career field for individuals who wish to work in a medical setting, favor math and science, and communicate well with others.