Texas Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees
Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Texas
If you are looking for a sonography technician program, Texas has plenty to offer with over 20 accredited schools. There are sonography schools offering associate degrees or certificates in cities all across the state, including Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and El Paso. There are community and technical colleges, universities and private institutions that offer sonography programs. Sanford-Brown College is one of the largest schools in Texas, with branches in San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas. Both associate degrees and certificates are offered, depending on the campus.
For most sonography tech programs, there is an on-campus lecture component, a lab component, and a clinical component. Most schools offer an associate degree as well as an advanced certificate in sonography. The associate degree can sometimes include practicum hours. This is a great way to really become familiar with the workplace. Many graduates opt for an associate degree in sonography, since it may allow you to pursue certification.
Sonography Technician Licensing in Texas
There is no official licensing or certification requirements in Texas, but the end goal for many sonogram technicians is to become ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers) certified. This is recognized as the highest standard in professional competency in the field. To take the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) Examination to become ARDMS certified, you must either graduate from an accredited sonography program or complete a two-year allied health education program along with 12 months of full-time clinical ultrasound experience. Becoming ARDMS certified is a voluntary process. Other certification that is required to become a sonographer can be obtained through CCI (Cardiovascular Credentialing International) or ARRT (American Registry for Radiologic Technicians). If you choose to specialize in an area such as neurosonology, there are separate certifications that would be beneficial to career advancement. Any or all of these certifications may improve your marketability to potential employers.
Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Texas
Sonographers can choose to work in clinics, hospitals, private practice offices, laboratories, or public health facilities. Careers are not limited to being a technician; opportunities exist for career advancement in administration, education, research, sales representatives for equipment, and technical advisors. Overall, the outlook for a career in sonography is bright, and the perfect place to begin your journey towards that career is by graduating from one of the many diagnostic medical sonography programs in Texas.