South Dakota Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

By the end of the year 2018, there will be an all-time high demand for healthcare workers. Among this demand will be the need for highly-trained sonogram technicians. In this line of work, you would perform a variety of tasks; however, the most of them would directly relate to sonogram testing and diagnostics. If you live in South Dakota, take comfort in knowing there are several ways to become a sonogram technician. Let’s dive right in and take a closer look!

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in South Dakota

Once you decide sonogram technology is a field you want to work in, you then need to start searching for schools that offer programs related to this field of study. If you prefer, you can complete your coursework online; however, the most of your lab work and clinical experience will have to be obtained through hands-on training. When it comes to enrolling in an educational training program, take note that there are three basic types of curricula for you to enter into, with each of them leading to a different type of credential:

  • Undergraduate certificate: Takes about 12 months to earn
  • Associate’s degree: Takes about two years to earn
  • Bachelor’s degree: Takes about four years to earn

The lower the level of credential that you earn, the more basic your classes will be. The higher the level, the more in-depth and extensive they will be. Many schools in South Dakota offer programs relating to sonography technology, making it easy for you to choose a school that meets your needs and wants.

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No matter the program you choose to enroll in, you will take classes that focus on some of these topics; medical assisting, patient care, diagnostic procedures, pathphysiology, medical ethics, foundations of ultrasound, human anatomy, abdominal, cardiac and vascular sonography, and many more.

Sonography Technician Licensing in South Dakota

Licensing on a state level is not required of you to work as a sonogram technician in the state of South Dakota. On the other hand, most employers will prefer that you possess national certification through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. There is much to know about this exam as well as much to do to properly prepare for it. Guidelines and requirements for each certification is laid out on their website for additional information.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in South Dakota

If you are looking to work in South Dakota as a sonogram technician, you will be happy to hear that there is a high demand for such professionals. Once you gain employment, you will likely make somewhere around $55,610 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.. With experience and a high-level degree, however, it is not unlikely that your salary could exceed more than $75,000 a year.