Montana Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

There are several routes to becoming employed as a sonogram technician in the state of Montana, and depending on a your prior experience, and future job goals, training choices may range from certificate programs to bachelor’s degree programs. One of the valuable features you should consider when looking for the right program is whether there is any hands-on experience provided during school or training.

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Montana

Subjects you may expect to study while in a sonogram technician program include anatomy, physiology, as well as instruction on the proper operation of the machinery commonly used in the profession. Programs will also teach a variety of advanced medical terminology which may stretch beyond the terms commonly used within sonogram technology.

Certificate programs will usually take about a year or 18 months to complete while an associate’s degree might take a little longer. A bachelor’s degree traditionally would require at least 4 years of instruction. In Montana, a variety of related programs exist for those seeking training as a sonogram technician, such as training as a radiologic technologist. Schools that offer such programs include City College in Billings, Flathead Valley Community College, and Great Falls College.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Montana

The state of Montana currently does not require sonogram technicians have a license to work in the field. However, obtaining certification from the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) is recommended for anyone wishing to work as a sonogram technician. Not only does certification show that you are committed to the profession, but it also makes it easy to move to a different state if different employment opportunities become available.

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It’s essential for anyone wishing to become officially licensed by the ARDMS to attend a training program that is fully accredited. Even if you don’t live in a state where licensing is required, it’s very possible that future legislation or laws might be passed requiring certification, so finding an accredited program is essential.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Montana

Training as a sonogram technician will give you the opportunity to have a variety of different work environments from which to choose, and will also benefit from a swiftly growing profession. Healthcare overall is experiencing some significant growth and there are few professions with as much growth potential as sonogram technicians (and related medical imaging professions).

Working as a sonogram technician will often have you working within a hospital, but there are also opportunities within doctor’s offices, specialized clinics, and even state-run or federal facilities. With income potential reaching almost 70,000 dollars a year, (according to the BLS), and the cost of living in Montana at a relatively low level, a sonogram technician has the potential to earn a very good living in Montana.

Almost any employment within the field of healthcare represents a solid career choice; however, anyone interested in working in prenatal care will want to consider work as a medical sonographer. Technicians have the opportunity to bring to life some of the most memorable moments in a future parent’s life.