Minnesota Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees
Receiving Your Sonography Technician Training in Minnesota
In a program to earn a sonogram technician certificate, you can expect to take classes in anatomy and medical terminology, along with lots of hands-on experience working with ultrasound technology, and practicing abdominal ultrasounds and obstetric ultrasounds. The coursework generally takes about a year or two of full-time schooling to complete, though many people spread out the work over a longer period time while working another job. Most programs require at least six months of hands-on clinical work in order to graduate from the program.
Sonography Technician Licensing in Minnesota
The state of Minnesota does not require a license for a person to work as a sonogram technician, but it is highly recommended that you acquire a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer card from the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography in order to work in the field. The coursework needed to acquire this card will likely be taken care of at any accredited medical sonographer school. Then, you must complete the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation exam to show proficiency and they will be licensed as a medical sonographer.
Career Outlook For Sonogram Technicians in Minnesota
Reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Being a sonogram technician is more than just a pay check, however. It is also a job that provides good stability. Demand for sonogram technicians has grown at a roughly 20% rate over the past five years, meaning it is a field with strong job security. Many people also use being a sonogram technician as a gateway to pursue other fields in the medical industry.
Mayo School of Health Sciences (Rochester, MN)
Programs Offered:
Associate of Science in Radiography
Certificate of Completion in Echocardiography
Certificate of Completion in Radiography
Certificate of Completion in Sonography
MRI School of Minnesota (Woodbury, MN)
Programs Offered:
MRI Technologist Certificate Program
St. Catherine University (Saint Paul, MN)
Programs Offered:
Associate of Applied Science in Radiography
Associate of Applied Science in Sonography
St. Cloud Technical & Community College (St. Cloud, MN)
Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Technical Studies in Diagnostic Medical Sonography-Generalist