Michigan Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Michigan

Michigan is home to thirteen accredited sonography schools, so if you are looking to become a sonogram technician in the state, you have plenty of options and opportunity to do so. The other great thing about having this many colleges to choose from, is that you can choose whether or not you want to pursue your two-year or four-year degree in sonography.

One of Michigan’s two-year programs is at Detroit’s Henry Ford Health System, which has a school dedicated completely to Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The program takes 20 months to complete, is fully accredited by the Joint Review Commission on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and has existed as a program for over 33 years. In total, students receive 960 hours of instruction, are taught general sonography and a limited understanding of vascular sonography.

All sonography technician programs teaches its students by rotating them through classroom work as well as clinical work. Classes are taught in a wide range of topics but most programs all include abdominal sonography, gynecological stenography, ultrasound physics, and an introductory course in musculoskeletal sonography.

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Sonography Technician Licensing in Michigan

Although the state of Michigan does not require certification or licensure to be an ultrasound technician, the vast majority of employers in the state require that their sonographers be certified by ARDMS, or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. In Michigan there are two ways to become certified by the ARDMS: either enroll in a program that is properly certified and accredited, or somehow accumulate 12 months of clinical experience as a sonographer, which is difficult to do without being certified to begin with.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Michigan

BLS 2015- Source

The job outlook for sonographers in Michigan is very promising. Presently, there are 2,400 employed Diagnostic Medical Sonographers in the state. The majority of the state’s licensed stenographers currently work in public or private hospitals, and this trend is expected to continue. Other places sonography students can look for a job in Michigan are in obstetrics and gynecology clinics, physicians’ offices, and various other health care facilities.