Massachusetts Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Massachusetts

There are several accredited schools in Massachusetts that can train individuals for a career in medical sonography. Associate degree programs typically last two years; it is also possible to receive a BS degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Certification training in a specialized field can take up to an additional year, but most accredited programs include training for the certification exams. There are programs available both for students starting out their college undergraduate careers and for those who are coming back to receive post-graduate training in the field of medical diagnostics.

To fulfill the degree requirements of a sonography program, you must learn anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and physics. You may take additional courses in communicating with patients or in medical ethics. You will learn how to perform imaging examinations several areas, including abdominal, breast, musculoskeletal, neural, vascular and obstetric. Programs like that offered at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (MCPHS) include clinical rotations at local hospitals and clinics to give students hands-on experience with imaging equipment in the field.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, there is currently no licensing requirement for medical sonogram technicians; although there are a number of accredited sonography schools, all that is required to practice in the field is an associates degree. Interested candidates should be aware, however, that many employers are hiring only certified sonographers. The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) is the primary organization offering certification to sonogram technicians, and the test is offered at seven locations in Massachusetts.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Massachusetts

Reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the career outlook for a sonogram technician is positive, with an expected national growth rate of 44 percent by 2020. Compared to the 26 percent projected growth rate of workers in all diagnostic healthcare fields, this figure is truly outstanding. The primary reason for the anticipated growth in this field is advances in the technology itself; researchers expect that diagnostic medical sonography will soon be able to spot conditions that were previously only detectible through invasive procedures. Medical sonographers can specialize in breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal, neural, or obstetric and gynecologic imaging. Receiving certification in more than one area may increase a candidate’s demand. Sonography is set to revolutionize the field of medical diagnostics.