Oregon Radiology Tech Careers and Degrees
Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in Oregon
Charged with the important task of operating x-ray and other diagnostic imaging equipment, radiologic technologists play a central role in the medical field, and their ability to accurately and safely carry out their job duties depends heavily on education and training. For prospective students in Oregon who wish to pursue a career in radiologic technology, the journey begins by enrolling in a school that offers an accredited radiologic technology curriculum. Approved schools will typically offer courses that cover fundamentals like physiology, radiology, anatomy, and standards for working with patients in the radiology field. The courses generally become more hands-on as students near the end of the program. Certificates, two year associates degrees, and four year bachelor degrees are available. Program length generally depends on the school that offers the curriculum, the credential that will be awarded upon completion, and, in some cases, the individual pace of the student.
Radiology Technician Licensing in Oregon
Oregon requires professionals to have obtained a state-issued license before working as a radiology technician. In order to qualify for a license, applicants must first meet the requirements set by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. In order to become certified, the ARRT requires applicants to have completed an approved education program in radiology. Upon proving graduation from an approved program, applicants are required to successfully complete an ARRT-issued exam, after which they will receive certification. Certified radiology technicians may then apply for an Oregon license by completing an application with the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging and paying the fee of $120. Licenses must be renewed every two years. The state also recognizes a temporary status that allows recent graduates and students may receive a permit while awaiting their ARRT exam date. The temporary permit fee is $30, and students may begin working up to five months prior to their anticipated date of coursework completion.
Oregon Radiologic Technology Association
Oregon Society of Radiologic Technologists
Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in Oregon
Radiologic technologists and those who are working toward a career in the field can expect favorable job conditions. The number of job openings for radiology techs are expected to increase 28 percent between 2010 and 2020, according to the BLS. Salary expectations for radiology technicians in Oregon are also favorable as the average radiologic technologist earns approximately $63,000. Job seekers in the field most often find employment in hospitals, physicians’ offices, laboratories, and outpatient centers. With significant growth projected for the future and a variety of potential work environments, a career in radiologic technology can be a promising opportunity for men and women who enjoy working closely with patients and who wish to play an important role in a medical setting.