Radiology Technician Schools in New York

There are many favorable things about working as a radiology technician in New York. The position is in high demand, it pays well and you generally need two years of college or less to land your first entry-level position. When a doctor orders a diagnostic X-ray on a patient, he or she needs you to perform the exam. The patient also needs you to explain what will happen during the procedure and why the doctor ordered the X-ray. Although patients may ask, it is not your job to read the X-ray and share the results with them. That information must come from the patient’s doctor.

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in New York

Whether you register for a certificate program, associate degree or bachelor degree, you will probably complete courses like advanced imaging, anatomy and physiology, medical law and ethics, methods of patient care, and pathology. Most certificate and degree programs also provide the opportunity for you to gain hands-on experience at a local medical clinic, laboratory or hospital.

Licensing Requirements for Radiology Technicians in New York

Licenses for radiology technicians are issued by the New York Department of Health. You must pass an exam from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) before you can submit an application for licensure. A score of 75 or higher is required to pass the exam.

When you complete your application, be certain to attach proof of your certification. New York allows applicants to apply for a radiology technologist license if they anticipate completing their formal education within the next three months. You must also disclose if you have been convicted of a crime or whether you are ordered to make child support payments. Answering yes to the first question does not automatically disqualify you from obtaining a license as each case is considered individually. If you are four or more months delinquent with child support payments, you may be denied a license until you bring your account current.

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New York Radiologic Technology Association

New York Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Technicians in New York

In a BLS report, it indicated that people with the credential of radiologic technologist earned just over $54,000 per year. There are a few similar occupations that also only require an associate degree:

  • Cardiovascular Technologist, median pay $49,410
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, median pay $64,380
  • Nuclear Medical Technologist, median pay $68,560
  • Radiation Therapist, $74,980

There are 12,210 people employed as radiology techs in New York, which equates to 1.43 people for every 1,000 residents. The median radiology technician salary in New York was $64,290 in 2012. New York has the third-highest number of radiology technicians in the country, behind only California and Texas. New York is also among the top 10 in states with the highest median salary for radiologist techs.