Connecticut Radiology Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in Connecticut

While some states will license a radiologic technician with an associate’s degree, those that require passing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam must earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Obtaining a B.S. degree is a prerequisite for taking the AART exam, which is a state requirement in Connecticut.

High school is not too early to begin preparation for a career in radiology technology. Courses in human sciences, such as anatomy, biology and chemistry are essential courses as are math and physics courses. In college, students can expect a rigorous curriculum in courses that build on the essentials taken in high school plus pathology, radiation physics and protection and image evaluation. Compassionate patient care and radiographic procedures will also be taken. Studies are often cycled between time spent in classrooms and hands-on clinical studies. Clinical studies expose students to actual use of the complex machinery they must operate and applicable psychology for working with patients experiencing extreme mental stress or physical pain.

Radiologic Technologist Licensing in Connecticut

The Department of Public Health and Bureau of Health System Regulation oversee the radiology tech requirements in Connecticut. Licenses expire after one year. Applicants may apply for an initial license after successfully earning a Bachelor’s degree in an approved program and passing the ARRT exam. Additional requirements include an initial license application fee of $200, a notarized application with current photograph, an official proof of completion in radiologic technology, forwarded directly from degree earning institution, and an official proof of exam results sent directly from ARRT.

Renewal licenses are $100 and renewable in the month of the applicant’s birth. Over a 24-month period, radiology technicians must have maintained registry with the AART or completed 24 credit hours of Continuing Education Credits to be eligible for renewal.

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Connecticut Radiologic Technology Association

Connecticut Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiologic Technologist Jobs in Connecticut

Radiologic technicians in Connecticut can expect a salary well above the national mean. The $63,450 mean reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is almost $10,000 more than the national mean of $56,450. Advancement in technologies and a growing population of elderly Americans continue as causes for the growing demand of healthcare professionals. Add to that, the projected increase of 28% for radiology techs- almost double the average for all occupations- by the Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) and it’s easy to foresee the bright outlook radiology tech candidates can expect in their chosen field.

Industries that hire radiology technicians are not limited to hospitals. Laboratories, physician offices and outpatient care centers are top employers. The federal government and insurance carriers also hire radiology techs for research and policy advisors. For those who advance their experience and education they may find opportunities as representatives with companies that supply or manufacturer radiological equipment.