Arizona Radiology Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in Arizona

A radiologist technician performs diagnostic imaging tests on patients to help doctors discover what is causing their health issues. In this role, you would also administer radiation therapy to patients with cancer and other serious illnesses. You need excellent interpersonal skills in order to communicate with patients and let them know what to expect during each procedure. Most people begin their radiology tech careers by earning a career certificate, an associate degree or a bachelor degree. Some courses you would complete while earning your radiologist technician credentials include anatomy and biology, radiology techniques, medical terminology, professional ethics, and clinical practice.

It takes approximately six to 12 months to complete a certificate program and two to four years to complete a degree program. You have the option of specializing in a specific medical field, such as mammography or prenatal ultrasound. You should plan to complete your clinical practice shortly before graduation at a local hospital or clinic.

Radiology Technician Licensing Requirements in Arizona

Arizona is one of 37 states that require radiologist technicians to be licensed before working directly with patients. The exam you must pass is given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB). Both organizations require applicants to be of good moral character and have no previous felony convictions.

To earn the NMTCB credential, you must have at least two years of full-time work experience as a certified or registered nuclear medical technologist. Your work must be supervised by a licensed radiology technician and include injections, imaging and handling pharmaceuticals associated with radiology. The credential must be renewed every seven years. Your college instructors should provide you with information about how to register for the exam as well as how to study for it.

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Arizona Radiologic Technology Association

Arizona Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Technician Jobs in Arizona

Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average radiology tech in the United States has an associate degree and earns $54,310. That means that radiology technicians are in one of the top five highest paying careers without an undergraduate degree. The nationwide demand for licensed radiology technicians is 28 percent. The BLS predicts that 61,000 jobs in this field will be added by 2020, which is very high when compared to other types of careers.

The BLS indicates that 3,280 people in Arizona work as radiology technicians. This is approximately 1.58 people for every 1,000 residents in the state. The median pay for radiology technicians in Arizona is $60,850, a figure that is $6,540 dollars higher than the national average. The metropolitan area of Phoenix, Glendale and Mesa has the seventh-highest number of radiologist technicians in the United States.