MRI Technician Schools in North Carolina

Becoming an MRI tech can get you into a lucrative, rewarding specialty in the medical field. At, we have the information you need to figure out if this degree is right for you.

MRI Technician Training in North Carolina

One of the first decisions you have to make as a prospective MRI technician student is what type of degree you want to earn. Most students opt to complete a one-year certificate program, as this is the quickest way to start a career. However, many schools also have associate degree programs that can be completed in two years. You can look for programs at local hospitals, technical colleges, and community colleges.

Before you can get started on the practical learning part of your degree, it’s essential to have a solid base of knowledge to pull from. To get a proper education in human anatomy and medical imaging technology, you may take courses like Radiographic Equipment, Anatomy & Physiology, and Radiographic Methods.

Once you have developed a strong understanding of how medical imaging works, it’s time to put your knowledge to work. MRI technician programs include a huge clinical class at the end of the program, often comprising 500 or more hours. In your clinical hours, you work directly with patients at a local hospital or clinic.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in North Carolina

The majority of states do license MRI technicians; however, North Carolina’s Radiation Protection Section does not currently have any licensing requirements for MRI technicians. This can be beneficial for you as you start your career, since you can begin applying for jobs right away.

While licensing is not required, you may opt for American Registry of Radiologic Technologists certification. Certification can validate your skills and make it easier to find a job. This process requires you to pass a rigorous written exam. Your certification is then good for two years. During each two-year period, you have to complete 24 continuing education credits to renew your license.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in North Carolina

Starting your job search is the exciting result of all your hard work in your MRI technician program. You can use your MRI technician degree in several different settings. The majority of job postings are often in medical imaging departments at local hospitals. These jobs may require you to work a variety of shifts, since hospitals are staffed around-the-clock. If you work at a doctor’s office or medical imaging clinic, you may enjoy more conventional work hours. Some of the largest employers in North Carolina include UNC Health Care, UHS – Holly Hill, and Kindred Healthcare.

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O*Net reports that the demand for MRI techs in North Carolina is expected to increase 17% between 2016 and 2026, leading to almost 80 new jobs each year (2018). Their reports indicate that North Carolina MRI technicians earn an average salary of $65,090 per year. The job demand may grow even more as more uses for MRI technology are discovered; Scientific American reports on new research that shows how MRI scans can be used to understand the progress of Alzheimer’s (2018).

Joining local professional organizations can help you substantially in your career. Consider joining the North Carolina Society of Radiologic Technologists, a local organization that hosts continuing education events and networking events.