MRI Technician Schools in Idaho

Doctors, physician’s assistants, and nurse practitioners in Idaho don’t work alone. They need input from many other health care professionals to help them properly assess, diagnose, and treat patients. MRI scans, which have become clearer and more reliable in recent years, are a major diagnostic tool for Idaho physicians. By attending an MRI technology program, you can learn how to use this equipment to capture images of the chest, heart, spine, abdomen, head, and other areas of the body.

Getting started as an MRI tech can be done in a variety of ways. Check out the universities, community colleges and tech schools in Idaho that are listed on this page. Once you have found some MRI imaging tech programs that interest you, contact the schools to learn more.

As you begin exploring MRI programs in Idaho, you may want to consider joining the Idaho Society of Radiologic Technologists. Members of this group often find out about new job listings, get early access to seminars and conferences, and learn about licensure updates in Idaho. You can also meet local imaging technicians and learn from their experience.

Idaho is a major part of MRI research in the United States. Brigham Young University recently opened an MRI research facility that allows researchers to learn more about fields like autism and psychology. Working for an Idaho facility may give you the opportunity to learn about new developments in MRI use and technology.

In addition, some Idaho hospitals have started using new types of MRI machines. Local News 8 reports on an extremity MRI machine in Idaho Falls. This technology allows technicians to work with patients who might otherwise be too scared to go into a regular MRI machine.

MRI Technician Programs and Education in Idaho

MRI technology is a science-based field, which is why you will have to complete a comprehensive set of courses before you can be considered for employment by local imaging centers. Before you can get accepted to an MRI program or start taking MRI technology courses, you may have to meet strict science prerequisites. Courses that are commonly required for incoming MRI students in Idaho include Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Chemistry. These courses give you a solid foundation of scientific understanding while testing your ability to handle science-heavy concepts.

Your clinical courses help you learn the basics of MRI scanning while applying your knowledge of the human body to the field. You can expect to take classes like Radiographic Quality Assurance, Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology, and Basic MRI Procedures. Once you have proven yourself in lower-level classes, you can move on to higher-level classes like Advanced MRI Techniques, Comparative Sectional Imaging, and Procedural Case Studies in MRI.

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An often-overlooked part of this field is the ethical side of imaging. You may learn about how to interact with patients, what MRI technicians can and cannot do, and how to effectively collaborate with health care providers. This part of your training is very important, since interpreting a scan for a patient or giving them incorrect information can get your employer into legal trouble.

MRI Technician Careers in Idaho

Idaho is home to an impressive amount of MRI employers, including medical imaging centers, radiographic clinics, and hospitals. Your job search may lead you to major state employers like Saint Alphonsus Health System, HealthCare Initiative, and Life Care Centers of America.

Currently, there are no licensing requirements in Idaho. However, the Idaho Society of Radiologic Technologists has been actively working to introduce licensing restrictions in the state, so this may change in coming years. In the meantime, MRI technicians can look into ARRT certification. Earning ARRT certification involves providing proof of your education, passing a rigorous MRI exam, and keeping up with biennial continuing education requirements.

Job growth in Idaho is expected to be on par with job growth across the country. Job openings for MRI technicians are anticipated to grow by 24% between 2012 and 2022, as reported by O*Net.

You may earn a range of salaries as a medical imaging professional. The statewide average salary for this profession is $62,500 per year, according to O*Net. O*Net reports salaries ranging from $45,900 to $95,800 per year, so there may be lots of room for upward growth if you work on gaining experience (O*Net, 2013).