Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in Washington

Being one of the top paying states for certified cardiovascular technicians, Washington offers numerous employment opportunities for you in the field of echocardiography. As a certified echo tech, you will specialize in taking images of patients’ hearts through the use of ultrasound equipment, and will work closely with doctors before, during, and after ultrasound procedures. You may even capture echocardiograms of fetal hearts to help physicians diagnose potential cardiac conditions.

If this sounds like a career that could satisfy you, take some time to contact the echo tech programs in Washington that are listed below to get more information.

In order to find career stability and gain employment at a medical facility in Washington, you will need to ascertain the corresponding credentials, including your diploma and certificate. When searching for cardiac ultrasound programs, you should look for one that is accredited through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, which ensures the echo tech school meets nationally regulated medical standards and qualifies you for sitting for the credentialing exam.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Washington

Echocardiography programs in Washington may require you to complete certain prerequisites, such as physiology and mathematics, before enrolling at the school. If you already work in a related medical field, such as radiation therapy, you may enter a one-year program to earn your cardiovascular technology certificate.

When starting a new career path, you will need to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree with a specialization in the cardiac field. Common associate degree programs are listed under:

  • Diagnostic cardiac sonography
  • Echocardiography sonography
  • Diagnostic cardiac sonography
  • Cardiovascular sonography
  • Cardiovascular technology

Most associate degree programs require the completion of two years of full-time educational training, which combines classroom instruction and a one-year clinical practicum. Courses may cover a wide range of medical subjects, such as ultrasound basics, anatomy, and heart diseases.

With continuing advancements in the cardiovascular ultrasound field, many colleges throughout the state are now offering a Bachelor of Science in radiologic sciences or a Master of Science in radiologic sciences. These degrees can provide you with additional credibility in the medical industry and may increase your annual wage by opening up advancement opportunities in leadership and management roles.

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Most accredited colleges in Washington offer various scholarship opportunities for students entering the medical field. Depending on your financial status, you may also qualify for a federal grant or scholarship through the U.S. Department of Education. To get a direct loan, Pell grant, or other financial aid, you need to complete the FAFSA.

Echo Tech Careers in Washington

Recent research shows that Washington’s medical industry employs approximately 940 cardiovascular technicians (BLS, 2014). Experts are predicting a faster-than-average growth of 39 percent in this field, potentially providing 367 additional career opportunities in Washington by 2022 (BLS, 2014).

Employers look for certified cardiac techs who can operate specialized equipment, perform various diagnostic tests and procedures, record and transmit echoes and images, and interpret the results. You may seek employment at:

  • Doctor’s offices
  • Medical centers
  • Diagnostic laboratories

As an echo tech in Washington, you can earn an average annual wage of $67,270. With the proper credentials and work experience, you may advance your career and earn upwards of $96,170 annually (BLS, 2014).

Because of the intense competition for echo tech jobs at medical centers, earning your license may give you an edge with potential employers. You can become certified in echocardiography by sitting for an exam issued by a national regulatory body, such as the American College of Radiology or the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Start your career as a certified echo tech by researching accredited echocardiography programs in Washington today.