Cardiovascular Technologist Education in Maryland

A Cardiac Ultrasound Sonoagrapher is a highly trained medical professional who works with patients and physicians. They perform non-invasive medical procedures of the heart that enables the physician to diagnose and treat their patients.

In Maryland you do not need a license, but you are required to attend an CAAAHEP accredited school. Become certified as a RDMS for the best career opportunities. You have the option of an associate degree with a certificate in ultrasound technology, or you may choose to get a bachelor’s degree, which may offer you more opportunities for management and a higher income. Request information from the Maryland Echo Tech programs listed below to learn more about how to enter this vital medical profession.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Maryland

Most cardiac ultrasound programs require an associate degree with specific pre-requisite courses. The certificate takes approximately one year to complete if you are in full-time attendance.

Most cardiac sonography programs require some or all of the following admission criteria:

  • Letter of Intent explaining your specific career goals
  • Two letter of reference, one from a college and present employer
  • Transcripts documenting all post-high school education
  • Foreign students must pass the TOEFL or TSE exam when English in their second language
  • Associate degree accredited in Allied Health with 3.0 GPA

The typical pre-requisite courses that you will take in the introductory portion of your studies can include:

  • College Algebra
  • Anatomy & Physiology with lab
  • Medical Terminology
  • Introduction to Computers
  • English
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The clinical hours will be completed at a local healthcare facility, and will focus on teaching you to apply the classroom learning to the real world medical environment. The didactic portion of the program may also include educational sessions with the Cardiology Fellowship Echocardiogram case review, the Legend in Echo Series and the Cardiology Grand Rounds.

The required courses to become a cardiac ultrasound technician can include:

  • Orientation & Introduction to Radiography
  • Radiographic Procedures I, II
  • Medical Ethics and Law for the Imaging Professional
  • Equipment Operation and Maintenance I, II
  • Image Production and Evaluation I,II,III
  • Patient Care and Pharmacology
  • Osteology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Clinical Practicum I, II, III
  • Radiation Biology & Radiation Protection
  • Venipuncture Training
  • Advanced Imaging Technology
  • Introduction to Radiographic Pathology
  • Comprehensive Registry Review

Once you have completed your courses, you can apply for certification. The credential examination offered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography will help you advance your career as most employers will not hire someone without this credential. This is a well recognized credential that speaks to your knowledge and education. There are practice tests available. There are actually three test you may take in cartographic sonography, including adult, pediatric and fetal echocardiography.

If you need financial assistance, visit the financial aid office and complete a FAFSA application, which is a federal grant based on your income, and there are low-interest federal loans available.

The Alan D. Waggoner, MHS, RDCS, Sonographer Student Scholarship, awards scholarships of $1000, and it includes complimentary registration for the ASE’s Annual Scientific Sessions with funds for travel expenses.

Echo Tech Careers in Maryland

The O’Net OnLine website lists the average annual >income for Maryland Cardiovascular Technologists in 2013 of $53,210. Certainly salaries are also evaluated by employers based on your experience, credentials and your education.

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The future job outlook looks promising as a 39 percent growth is expected by 2022. Jobs may be found in hospitals, doctor’s offices, outpatient care center or other medical facility.

If you enjoy working with people in a fast paced environment, this may be the perfect career for you. Be sure to get program materials from a variety of accredited schools before making your decision. You can request information from the MD echo tech schools listed on our site to start the process.