Find Sonographer Training Programs in Wisconsin
Wisconsin has a university system with numerous campus locations throughout the state, making access to ultrasound technician programs quite easy for students. The Wisconsin State University system has four year degree and two year degree programs available, with other schools outside of the system also offering all education levels for future ultrasound technicians.
Take some time to contact the ultrasound tech schools in Wisconsin that are listed below, so you can get detailed information about each program.
Ultrasound technicians, sometimes known as sonography technicians or diagnostic medical technicians, are trained in operating computers and advanced equipment that scan patients to produce images which help doctors with diagnosing and treating patients. Ultrasound technicians are trained to operate specialized technology, administer the scans and are also trained to read the images in order to help provide results to the treatment team.
Ultrasound technicians receive regular trainings to stay up to date with the latest technology, as well as help develop new innovative ways to assess and diagnose patients. Great communication and documentation skills are a must, as you will be responsible for patient records, effectively relaying information to the treatment team, as well as interacting with patients and their families.
Wisconsin has radiologic programs throughout the state that are American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT) approved, at all educational and certification levels. While ultrasound technician programs may not be available at every school, there are radiology programs that include instruction in ultrasounds with the options to take specialized courses designed to train you in ultrasound technology.
After completing a radiology program you can certify as an ultrasound technician by taking the licensing exam and becoming a certified ultrasound technician. In your radiology program, you will have core subjects covering topics of anatomy, physiology, medical psychology, records management, medical ethics and imaging technology, which will all help you to obtain your ultrasound technician certification, as well.
You will also have training within specific areas of ultrasound technology, such as cardiac imaging, radiography or sonography. After graduation, you can take credentialing exams through ARRT or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in the field of ultrasound to certify your skills as an ultrasound tech. Also, once employed, you can always further continue your education while earning a living. Check out the schools on our site to find a radiology in Wisconsin near you to begin your training as an ultrasound technician!
Ultrasound Programs in Nearby States
Iowa / Illinois / Michigan / Minnesota
Is Sonography a Good Career in WI?
Since ultrasound technicians are in such a fast growing field, a greater demand is created, often resulting in higher pay rates. Wisconsin is one of the highest paying states with a high employment rate for ultrasound technicians as well.
Data found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2015. Keep in mind these figures may vary depending upon your education, experience and employment setting.
If you are ready to enter this lucrative and essential segment of medicine, contact the Wisconsin ultrasound schools to learn more about how to get started.