Find Diagnostic Medical Sonography Schools in Tennessee
Are you interested in a career in the medical field that has many opportunities for growth and movement? A job as an ultrasound technician may be just the answer for you. There are a few different educational paths you can take to become an ultrasound technician in Tennessee. We want to help you reach that goal! We have compiled all of the information you need to find a school to begin that path. The direct relationships with schools that we hold make it easy for us to provide you with accurate and easily accessible information from each school in Tennessee with a diagnostic medical sonography program.
Check out the ultrasound tech schools in Tennessee below that offer accredited programs in your area for more information!
Tennessee ultrasound technology schools offer different degree options for you to choose from to best fit your individual needs. Accredited programs are important to look for, because after graduation, you will be able to apply for a certification if your degree comes from an accredited school. You can obtain a certificate, an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree in many related fields including, x-ray technician, cardiac imaging, sonography, radiography, and MRI technicians.
An ultrasound technician is a diagnostic medical professional, meaning they are trained to diagnose patients will illnesses or injuries using scanned images of the patient’s body. Ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee train you in administer the scans, read the images produced and accurately relay that information to the doctors and staff who are a part of the patient’s treatment team.
Within the ultrasound field, you will have the opportunity to choose a specialty, such as cardiac imaging, prenatal sonography or radiology, to name a few. Each of these specialties deals with diagnostic imagery, but works with specific parts of the body or patients with certain illness or conditions, requiring some specialized knowledge of that area.
Ultrasound technician schools in TN give you the opportunity to study exactly what you are looking for. In all ultrasound technician programs, you will have core classes that are similar, regardless of your specialty. These include topics such as patient relations, medical record keeping, CPR training, physiology, anatomy, medical ethics and medical psychology, as well as training to use the equipment in your profession.
Beyond your core classes, you will have classes that cover the specialty you have chosen, as well as clinical practicums so you can work hands on with patients in the medical setting. Some schools even offer options to better suit your needs if, for example, you are working and decide to further your education, you can enroll in a part time ultrasound tech program, or even be able to take some classes online.
After graduating with your degree, you can apply to take an exam to become certified in your field through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), establishing your knowledge and abilities in your chosen field to prospective employers. The ARDMS also has numerous resources available to ultrasound technicians through their organization and website which include opportunities for continued education, networking, employment opportunities and access to the latest information and innovations in your field. Look below for more information regarding ultrasound technician programs in Tennessee schools.
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Is Ultrasound Tech a Good Career in TN
The medical field is an ever-growing career field, but this area in particular is expected to grow over 17% across the nation between 2016 and 2026 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). This is much faster than the average job outlook, making it a great time to begin your journey to becoming an ultrasound technician in Tennessee.
Salaries vary between specialties and job titles. In Tennessee, the average salary for an ultrasound technician is $62,210 per year (O*Net, 2018). Sometimes these pay ranges can vary, depending on your location, employment setting, education level and certifications obtained. Depending on where you are employed, you may have opportunities for increased pay rates by working overnights, overtime, weekends, holidays or on call, but this is not guaranteed.
Take some time to review your options for ultrasound tech programs in Tennessee by requesting information from the schools below.