Find Sonographer Training Programs in Montana

Montana has several schools offering all sorts of medical programs, as healthcare continues to be a fast growing career field in the nation. One of the most interesting medical careers is ultrasound technology, or diagnostic sonography. Ultrasound technicians, also known as sonography technicians or diagnostic medical technicians, are trained in operating computers and equipment that scan patients to produce images which assist in diagnosing and treating a variety of conditions.

Contact the schools below to learn more about becoming an ultrasound tech in Montana.

Ultrasound technicians are not only trained in operating the equipment and administering the scans, but also in reading the images to help provide a diagnosis as part of the treatment team. As an ultrasound technician, you will stay up date with the latest technology, as well as help develop new and innovative ways to assess and diagnose patients. Great communication and documentation skills are a must, as you will be responsible for legal documentation within patient records, effectively relaying information to the treatment team, and lots of interaction with patients and their families.

To find out more about how you can become an ultrasound tech in MT, simply contact the schools you see on our site for detailed program information.

Unfortunately, there are not any schools in Montana that currently have campus based American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT) approved ultrasound programs, but there are ARRT approved radiology programs in the state. These radiology programs do include some instruction in ultrasound, but are not designed specifically for ultrasound certification. After completing a radiology program if you would like to certify as an ultrasound technician, you will have the ability to take the licensing exam and become a certified ultrasound technician.

Schools in Montana that offer radiology programs have both certificate and two year associate degrees programs available. In your radiology program, you will have core subjects covering topics of anatomy, physiology, medical psychology, records management, biomedical ethics and imaging technology, which will all help with your ultrasound technician certification, as well.

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You will also have some training within the area of ultrasound technology, such as cardiac imaging, radiography and/or sonography. After graduation, you can take credentialing exams through ARRT or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in the field of ultrasound to certify your skills as an ultrasound technician. Once you obtain a position, you can always continue your education while earning a living, maybe opting to take online courses coupled with require in class courses and clinicals. Check out the Montana schools listed on our website to find a radiology program near you to begin your training as an ultrasound technician!

Ultrasound Programs in Nearby States

Idaho / North Dakota / South Dakota / Wyoming

How Much Do Sonographers Make in MT?

Montana is sparsely populated, but there is a significant need for ultrasound technicians in some regions of the state. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the career field of diagnostic medical sonographer will continue to grow at a rate of 1.6 perfect, which is a high rate of growth.The mean salary for ultrasound technicians in Montana is $67,250 per year or $32.46 per hour. Of course, these rates can always change depending on your employment location, setting, specialty, certifications and education.

If you are ready to enter the medical field as an ultrasound or radiology technician, go ahead and contact the schools you find to get more information on how to get started.

Montana Ultrasound Schools