Find Sonographer Training Programs in Minnesota
Viewed as the leading state in providing health care services to its diverse population, Minnesota offers various employment opportunities for diagnostic medical sonographers. To begin a new career path as an ultrasound technician, you will need to earn your ultrasound technology degree and certification. Whether you choose to earn your degree through an online or on-site program, you should enroll in a college that has sought accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health.
Contact the Minnesota schools with ultrasound degree programs listed below to get more information about getting started in this field.
Colleges may require you to pass certain courses, such as medical terminology and anatomy, before you can enroll in the ultrasound technician program. Upon acceptance into the program, you may need to pass subjects in pathophysiology, vascular ultrasound, and ultrasound physics. You can choose to earn a certificate in a one-year program, an associate’s degree in a two-program, or a bachelor’s degree in a four-year program. No matter the degree you earn, you may also be required to fulfill six months of clinical experience to gain vital hands-on experience.
With four CAAHEP-accredited colleges located in Minnesota, you can further your education by becoming certified in a specialization, which will increase your employment and career advancement opportunities. The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography offers an examination that covers general sonography principles and your specialization, such as neurosonography, abdomen, fetal echocardiography, breast sonography, and obstetrics and gynecology. If you have graduated through a non-accredited college, you will need to prove that you have fulfilled 60 semester hours of formal education, 12 months of employment, and a clinical internship.
You may also earn your breast sonography or vascular sonography certificate by passing The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists’ exam, or you can ascertain your sonography license through Cardiovascular Credentialing International. Testing may include general sonography procedures, ultrasound physical principles, and patient care. Once you have gotten your license, you may renew your certificate by remaining up to date with current procedures and tools, which requires you to take 24 continuing education credits every two years.
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Iowa / North Dakota / South Dakota / Wisconsin
Is Sonography a Good Career in MN?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 1,590 ultrasound technicians work in Minnesota (2018). A recent report shows that this sector of the medical industry may see a 17% percent increase in available positions across America (BLS, 2018). This demand increase could potentially provide many additional ultrasound technician jobs throughout Minnesota by 2026 (2018).
Salaries vary across different parts of Minnesota and job titles. On average, diagnostic medical sonographers in Minnesota earn $78,080 per year (O*Net, 2018). Keep in mind these pay rates may change depending on level of education, certifications, experience, as well as setting of employment such as a hospital, private clinic or specialty clinic.
Because of the high demand for diagnostic medical sonographers, employment opportunities exist at physician’s offices, hospitals, medical labs, and government agencies. To increase your chances of becoming a successful ultrasound technician, enroll in one of Minnesota’s CAAHEP-accredited programs today.