Vascular Technician Programs in Montana

With a wealth of information available on the internet, finding out how to become a vascular technician in Montana can be an overwhelming process. Here at, we have compiled everything you need to know from education requirements to salary information, job outlook, and enrollment information for schools that offer a vascular tech program.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Montana

While some vascular technicians may be trained on the job, more and more employers are requiring applicants who lack job experience to have formal education and certification. Your first step to obtaining the required education is to enroll in a vascular technology program. Students are generally required to have graduated high school or to have obtained a GED prior to applying. When enrolled in a vascular technology curriculum, you can expect to complete courses on electrocardiology, pathology, human analogy, cardiac and vascular pharmacology, vital signs, and IV administration. You will also receive hands on training in working with Doppler and diagnostic ultrasound. Most programs also include a clinical externship. Education programs may last from one to four years, depending on the institution and the number of areas in which you choose to focus.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Montana

Montana does not require vascular technicians to become licensed prior to practicing professionally. However, you will likely find that it is to your advantage to get certified. Advantages to becoming certified include increased job marketability and being able to demonstrate your level of competency to potential employers. Having certification credentials may even qualify you for jobs that pay a higher salary. Two national organizations that offer certification are Cardiovascular Credentialing International and the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. If you wish to apply for certification, you will generally be required to have graduated from an approved school; however, some organizations offer alternative ways of meeting the education requirement to qualify to take their certification exam.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Montana

With a 29 percent projected job growth rate, reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of vascular technician jobs is expected to grow much faster than the national job rate. A shift toward the use of non-invasive diagnostic techniques as well as an aging population in the US are believed to be drivers of job growth in the area. As a vascular technician, you may find yourself working in a variety of medical settings including physicians’ offices, hospitals, diagnostic labs, and outpatient clinics. The average annual salary for vascular technicians in Montana is $61,620 with the highest-paid technicians typically working in healthcare practitioners’ offices and specialty hospitals. If you have decided that a career as a vascular technician may be for you, find all the information you need to get started on the path to your new career!