New Hampshire Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in New Hampshire

Receiving training as a sonogram technician in New Hampshire is a straightforward process. There are a few schools that provide in-depth training that can prepare you for this career, but only one is accredited by the CAAHEP. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs is one of the most highly respected accrediting bodies in the country. The only sonogram technician program that they have accredited in New Hampshire is taught at the New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord, New Hampshire.

Sonography Technician Licensing in New Hampshire

Few states regulate or require licensing for sonogram technicians. Despite this, there are a number of private certification bodies that exist to help vet the experience of sonogram technicians. The two most highly-regarded certification bodies are the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. These two organizations require sonogram technicians to complete a four semester course that includes both class-based and clinic-based instruction. Once this training is complete, applicants can submit their transcripts and take a specialized test that verifies their credentials. It is almost impossible to get a full-time job in sonography at a hospital or large clinic without being credentialed by one of these two organizations.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in New Hampshire

The median salary of a sonogram technician in New Hampshire can vary depending on the size of the city and the size of the medical facility in question. The median salary for a sonogram technician in New Hampshire is roughly $74,000 a year, as reported by the BLS. These salaries are generally only attainable for those who work full time and can get a job at a hospital or large clinic. The bottom 10 per cent of sonogram technicians in Concord make a little over $59,000 a year. This is slightly higher than the national average due to the higher cost of living in New Hampshire.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the overall job growth expected for diagnostic medical sonographers is around 44 per cent until the year 2020. This is much higher than the average expected growth of most other career options. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is due to the fact that sonography equipment is becoming more widely used as the technology develops. Since sonograms are non-invasive, they are becoming more widely used to detect many potential illnesses over more invasive procedures. Someone entering into this career field over the next few years with the proper credentials could potentially find a large amount of demand for the skills that he or she has developed.

New Hampshire

MCPHS University (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Advanced Certificate Online (Online)

NHTI – Concord’s Community College (Concord, NH)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Science in Radiologic Technology
Professional Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Salter School of Nursing (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Licensed Nursing Assistant
Patient Care Technician

Seacoast Career Schools (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Dental Assisting Certificate
Health Claims Specialist
Professional Medical Assistant Certificate