Maine Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees
Medical sonographers are in high demand due to many health conditions being diagnosed and/or monitored with the use of sonography, more commonly referred to as ultrasounds. Becoming a medical sonographer requires formal education and training. While both colleges and universities offer associate’s and bachelor degrees in medical sonography, you can also take one-year certificate courses if you are already employed in the healthcare industry. Additionally, accredited institutes and some hospitals offer study and clinical training programs.
Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Maine
Obtaining an associate’s degree in sonography will require two years of formal education, while a bachelor’s degree can take up to four years. However, some colleges offer fast-track programs that can enable you to graduate with a degree in as little as 18 months. If you choose the route of an accredited school or institute, you can expect to spend a year learning about and receiving hands-on clinical training in the field of sonography.
Regardless of which educational route you choose for sonography, you can expect to learn about the different types of sonography (musculoskeletal, neurosonography, breast, obstetric and gynecologic sonography, and abdominal sonography), how to take and analyze sonographic images, and how to prepare, care for, and interact with patients.
Sonography Technician Licensing in Maine
Medical sonographers do not require a state-issued licensure; however, credentials from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) is often required by medical facilities. These credentials are obtained by passing exams directly from the ARDMS. The majority of available educational tracks for medical sonography will help to prepare you for these specific exams.
Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Maine
There are several factors that determine what your salary will be as a sonographer, including the type of medical setting you’re working in, how much experience you have, and your availability. Generally a medical sonographer is expected to work full-time and be available for emergencies, so making yourself available whenever you’re needed will greatly increase your chances of a better-paying salary.
If you find that you excel at medical sonography and would like to move up the career ladder, related medical paths include assisting with research in commercial companies and medical research facilities, becoming a sales representative for related medical equipment, working as a technical advisor for sonography equipment, or simply supervising or otherwise assisting with administration in the medical sonography field.