Florida Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees
Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Florida
For recent high school graduates and nontraditional students alike, enrolling in a sonogram technician training program can open the door to a lucrative career in a growing field. If you wish to apply to a sonogram technician school, you must first have obtained a high school diploma or GED. A secondary school curriculum that focuses on math, science, communications, and computers is recommended. Next, aspiring sonogram technicians must apply to a postsecondary education program that specializes in sonogram technology training and is approved by the state in which you wish to work. Sonogram tech courses commonly teach math, science, and workplace standards as well as specific instruction on operating computer-based sonogram equipment.
Sonography technician Licensing in Florida
Currently, the state of Florida does not require licensing for people who wish to work as a sonography tech. However, voluntary certification is available through national and international organizations.
A major benefit of obtaining voluntary certification is increased competitiveness when searching for a job. Employers tend to favor candidates who have proven their skill level by successfully completing a certification exam. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists is a national professional organization that enables candidates to become certified. ARRT certification is widely accepted by employers and state licensing boards across the United States.
The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography is an international professional organization that is specifically open to sonography professionals and offers certification through successful completion of the organization’s exam. In addition to increasing job market competitiveness, becoming voluntarily certified may help technicians anticipate changing laws that may eventually require licensing and/or certification as state legislatures take measures to encourage more accurate, efficient use of sonography for medical diagnostics.
Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Florida
Sonogram techs have a favorable career outlook due to extremely positive job growth rate predictions and high salary expectations. As sonogram technology is increasingly embraced over invasive diagnostic procedures, the demand of sonogram techs is expected to increase. It is projected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the number of sonogram technician jobs may increase 17% between 2016 and 2026 (2018). In Florida the projected job growth is even higher, at 31% (O*Net, 2018).
With high salaries and career credentials that can be earned within two years or less, a career as a sonogram tech may be appealing to those who wish to pursue a career in the medical field, but do not wish to attend four years of postsecondary schooling. It’s also a convenient option for working adults who are seeking a new, rewarding career in a clinical setting.