North Dakota Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees
The healthcare industry is always one that continues to grow. Because of this, there is always the need for highly-trained sonography technicians. To enter into this occupation in North Dakota, you will need to complete an accredited sonography technician training program, which tends to last anywhere from two to four years. While going to school, you will take part in clinical experience. Once the program has been completed, you then have to take and pass a certification exam administered through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS).
Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in North Dakota
As you go to school to obtain training to become a sonography technician, there are many subjects that you will learn about. If you prefer, some of your courses can be completed online. For the most part, however, your courses will focus on ultrasound physics where you will learn the “physical science being acoustic physics” and concepts in patient care where you will learn how to effectively interact with patients. Much of the time, sub-topics include those related to medical laws and ethics. You will also work on your clinical practicum where you will carry out services under the direct supervision of a licensed medical professional.
It is important that a large portion of the knowledge acquired through a sonography program is obtained through hands-on experience and clinical training. Taking part in different types of clinical training can be especially advantageous as it will help you decide what type of setting you want to work in. For example, after completing clinical training in both a pediatric clinic and emergency room, you can then go on to choose which department you believe would provide more job satisfaction.
Permanent Makeup Licensing in North Dakota
After you take and pass the exam administered through
the ARDMS, you will then be qualified to work as a sonography technician. To take this exam, an accredited training program has to be completed. There is no minimum number of clinical training hours that have to be acquired; however, most training programs have their own rules set in relation to clinical experience. Because of this, it is likely that you will have more than 100 hours of clinical experience under your belt upon graduating from a sonography tech program.
Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in North Dakota
From the year 2008 through 2018, there is an expected growth rate of 18 percent for sonography technicians. Common places of employment for those interested in this line of work include hospitals, pediatric clinics, emergency care facilities, and nursing homes.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics states the average salary for a sonography tech is about $64,840 a year. If you prefer, you can opt to specialize in a certain area of work, such as abdominal sonography, cardiac sonography, or vascular sonography. Specializing in one of these fields can help to increase your salary.
North Dakota
Jamestown College (Jamestown, ND)
Programs Offered:
Bachelors in Medical Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiation Therapist
Minot State University (Minot, ND)
Programs Offered:
Bachelors in Medical Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiation Therapist
North Dakota State University (Fargo, ND)
Programs Offered:
Bachelors in Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiographer
University of Mary (Bismarck, ND)
Programs Offered:
Bachelors in Medical Radiologic Technology / Science – Radiation Therapist