MRI Technician Schools in Oklahoma

If you’re ready to start a career in the medical field, consider becoming an MRI tech—you can often get started in less than one year. We have all the information you need here at

MRI Technician Training in Oklahoma

There are many different topics you need to tackle as an MRI technician student. First, you need a solid understanding of how the human body works. You may take general science courses like Anatomy & Physiology, Human Biology, and Chemistry.

Safety is another core aspect of most MRI technology programs. While you may not be working directly with radiation, since MRI machines do not use radiation tech, you may work near other medical imaging equipment that does emit radiation. Many schools require you to take a safety course that teaches you how to safely work with radiation.

Once you have met the safety and science requirements of your school’s curriculum, you can take MRI technician courses like Radiographic Procedures, Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging, and Radiographic Equipment. These courses often contain a hands-on portion; throughout the course of your program, you can plan on completing about 1,000 hours of practical experience. You may get more hands-on experience if you complete a two-year Associate’s degree rather than a one-year certificate.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in Oklahoma

Like most states, Oklahoma oversees the licensure of MRI technicians. To work as an MRI technician, you must pass a comprehensive exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. This exam tests your knowledge of MRI technology, medical imaging techniques, and human physiology.

Once you pass your exam, you receive a license that is good for two years. However, you cannot simply renew your license every two years. The field of medical imaging regularly undergoes changes in technology, and it’s important to stay on top of new research in the field. Because of this, you must complete 50 hours of continuing education during each two-year licensure period.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in Oklahoma

There are many advantages to starting a career in the medical industry, not the least of which are the strong job outlook and competitive salary range. O*Net anticipates a 30% increase in job openings between 2010 and 2020, which is significantly higher than the national average of 24%. As MRI technology becomes more flexible, you can expect the field to continue expanding. The Oklahoma Gazette reports that new technology makes MRI scans an option for cardiac patients. Most MRI techs earn between $48,600 and $74,900 per year and the average salary in this state is $60,100 per year (O*Net, 2012).

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Your job search may take you into local hospitals and medical imaging centers. There may be more schedule flexibility as hospitals, since their medical imaging departments are usually staffed around-the-clock. Medical imaging centers are often only open Monday through Friday. In Oklahoma, some of the largest MRI technician employers are Cardon Outreach, Mercy Rehab Hospital, HCRI, and Kindred Healthcare.

Joining a professional organization can do plenty to advance your career and help you earn more money. In Oklahoma, consider joining the Oklahoma Society of Radiologic Technologists. You may be able to attend continuing education courses, go to national seminars, and network with peers.