Vascular Technician Programs in Nevada

Careers in the health care field aren’t going to go away, and with the ever growing population hospitals and clinics are short handed and are in dire need of health care professionals in every field. Including vascular technicians. Vascular technicians are trained in doing non invasive testing and diagnostic imaging of the entire vascular system. This role is essential in diagnosing in cardiovascular disease, effects of diabetes and detecting the odds of stroke.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Nevada

There are a few schools in Nevada that offer great programs for vascular technology. The College of Southern Nevada is the leading school for students looking to get into the vascular tech field. The typical education period for vascular techs is a 2 year associates degree. There are also 4 year bachelor degree courses that will give the vascular tech and edge on employment opportunities against techs with associates degrees. These programs include course work for either invasive or non-invasic vascular technologies. Most programs also give the student an opportunity to to earn credit while working hands on with an experience tech in a clinic or hospital.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Nevada

In Nevada it is not totally required to have certification, however it should be known that employers prefer applicants who have taken their certification exams. After your course work is complete, the student will have the option to take the National Registry Exam. The exam tests the students on their knowledge of the field and how well that can transfer their education to real life experiences. Upon the completion of the exam the vascular tech will earn the title of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Nevada

Here’s where we get to the info all students want to know, the job market and of course, the salary. Everybody knows that as long as humans are alive they will need health care, even more so with the massive population increase we are experiencing. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in the years between 2010 and 2020 the job market for vascular techs will increase by 29%, which is much higher than average. They will of course be working in health care facilities so sanitation is the most important aspect of the job. As of May 2010 the average pay for entry level vascular techs with an associates degree is roughly $49,410 a year which translates to $23.75 an hour.